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Tidbits of Joy #28 - Maternal Energy

Dear Employees, Clients, and Friends;

Mother’s Day is upon us so quickly and with this upcoming holiday, it’s wonderful to see more people vaccinated who can get together. I will finally get to see my mom next weekend to celebrate her 97th birthday. Yes, that’s right….97!! I saw her in October sitting far apart with masks on which did not help for good conversation since my mom does not hear as well, though I do think she has a smidge of selective hearing. 😊 Hugging her tight will be a gift that I will savor. And I know those of you who have lost your mom’s savor each memory. My dad died when I was 6 and I can still feel his hugs when he came through the door from work at night. There are some sweet memories that stay with us forever.

This Mother’s Day, please honor, all women……women who have birthed children and are the biological moms, those who are the logical moms (that’s me 😊), those who are a maternal presence, the fathers who are caretakers especially through the pandemic and every part of the village who provide love and lessons for our children. We are all part of the motherly fiber that raises the next generation and future leaders. Maternal love and guidance come in all colors, sizes, shapes, ethnicities, sexualities, and genders…………it does not discriminate, and neither should we.

This Mother’s Day, I wish for everyone much joy and togetherness. Know that you are loved, and we appreciate you fully.

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