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Tidbits of Joy #5 - Traveling with Your Mind


Dear AdNet Employees, Clients and Friends,

Hope you don’t mind the color. I’m trying to imagine myself swimming in the beautiful Caribbean water. Thinking positively, right?? If you could travel anywhere, where would it be? Find a picture of that place and put it near your computer. See it, dream it and plan it for 2021 or maybe sooner.

It is always my intention to offer words of inspiration each week, even though we may not immediately see the silver lining. This is one of those weeks where our collective team and loved ones have experienced loss and illness. We send those who have experienced loss and where COVID is getting closer to home, blessings and comfort through this time. If we can keep our eyes towards faith, together we will make it through, even when it seems daunting. All we have to do is look to one day at a time and if that feels like too much, moment by moment will surely get us through. The truth is, at some point, in the near future, we will be allowed to see each other in person, share belly laughs, give and receive great big bear hugs!!!

Whatever you do, follow the direction to stay home and when you go out for essential reasons, wear masks, make sure you are clear of best practices when using gloves, wash your hands and practice social distancing. Don’t complain, be grateful and know that your prudent actions will save lives. That’s a gift and maybe if we look at it that way, we’ll feel like we are contributing to the greater good.

A friend sent me a card this week with a passage that resonated which I would like to share:

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Here are a few wellness links:

The best and worst places to sit when working from home, according to posture pros

On a mission to bring more positivity into the world and mainstream media

Stream live & on demand classes to feel calm, sleep better, and thrive

Know, that all of you on this list, are our silver lining. 😊 Stay healthy, think wisely and get out into the sun.

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