Dear AdNet Employees, Friends, and Clients;
Today, December 7th, is the 81st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor; which is an important part of American history involving bravery, sacrifice and of course the casualties of many military and innocent civilians. Though WWII ended 76 years ago, Americans still remember the impact and heroism of the war. There are so many moving stories of our veteran’s experiences authored by women and men from many diverse groups. The summaries in and of themselves are riveting. Jim Downing authored The Other Side of Infamy: My Journey through Pearl Harbor and the World of War. Published in 2016 when Jim was 103, he detailed his military career and how faith guided him through the experiences of war that often are indescribable.
Many US veterans develop PTSD after returning home from such horrific conditions such as WWII. However, many were skeptical of the condition (then known as shell shock) and veterans did not receive the proper treatment they not only needed but deserved. Finally in today’s world, mental health is taken much more serious than back in the 1940s, yet we continue to have a long way to go in implementing helpful resources for our military personnel’s return home.
As the holiday season approaches, we encourage all of you in the giving spirit to research ways to give back to our country’s veterans. AdNet strives each day to stay true to our core values and provide a safe space for all minorities in this country.
On behalf of AdNet, we would like to thank all the veterans employed with our company for your brave service and hope that you know that if you are ever struggling that everyone at AdNet is a listening ear and are here to lend a hand.