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Tidbits of Joy #81 - How to Spot a "Nice" Racist


Dear AdNet Employees, Clients and Friends;


When I decided that I wanted to do a second season of Room at the Table, I knew that I wanted to push the envelope on the topics I discussed with my guests. This month’s episode is one of those edgy opportunities.


In episode fourteen of Room at the Table, I am joined by Dr. Shawne Duperon, CEO of ShawneTV and creator of Project Forgive and Tony Hill, managing partner of Edwards & Hill Office Furniture to discuss what it takes to spot a “nice” racist.


I realize that the term “nice racist” is quite the oxymoron, but we see so many times in society people who we think mean no harm yet speak inappropriately to and about a diverse community. It is time to stop making excuses for people who we, in other situations, find to be nice because discrimination of any kind is not nice and should not be tolerated in 2024. There have been a few incidents where I was taken aback by individuals attempting to pull me into their conversation as though I would agree with them. Not happening!! After those type of interactions, people reveal themselves for who they really are and it’s uncomfortable to be around people who just don’t get it that we are all the same.


Ignorance is no longer bliss and it is our responsibility as allies to diverse communities to call out racist behavior. My hope in having this episode is that anyone listening can learn something new about being anti-racist and how to be a better ally. After my conversation with Tony and Dr. Shawne, I gained a better understanding of how I can improve my allyship to diverse communities.


As always, I encourage you all to take a listen to this month’s episode and join in the conversation by sending me an email with your thoughts on the topic.


Best wishes,


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