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Tidbits of Joy #17 - Love and Understanding

Dear AdNet Employees, Clients and Friends,

Last night I listened to some tunes from the 1970’s and the timing was perfect to hear O-O-H Child by The Five Stairsteps. I felt hope and a deep resolve in my soul that better times are ahead. Things will get easier even though, today, stuff still feels hard. We all thought by now we would be hugging our families close, greeting our workmates, shaking hands or, if you are like me, hugging my employees and clients. These simple joys will be on hold a while longer. But it will get better and we will be more aware and hopefully more appreciative of the gifts that surround us every day. For now, we all need to come from a place of love and understanding towards whatever is on our path. Be extra kinder and more empathetic. Children are heading back to a different kind of school year and parents are rock stars for balancing multiple hats as care givers, teachers, “hall” monitors and everything else under the sun. And they do it……….no questions asked, they just do it. That is resilience!!

Here is the link to O-O-H Child O-O-H Child-The Five Stairsteps. Sit back from your computer, turn up the volume and know “things will get brighter.”

Be well and thank you for all the joy you bring to the AdNet Family.


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