Dear AdNet Employees, Clients and Friends;
Recently, when I was re-arranging drawers and closets, I came across a beautiful quilt that my grandmother sewed many years ago. She kept it on her guest room bed and when I spent the night, I wrapped myself in its warmth and beautiful patterns. So, when she died 20 years ago, my mom gave it to me which I treasure. Over the years it’s been stored away and when I pulled it out, I marveled at the design and colors as my heart was full of her memory. I smiled!! This time of year, I tend to see more quilts on display at festivals and fundraisers which causes me to remember the same excitement I felt as a kid when my mom took me to endless church fundraisers in the fall. The massive AIDS quilt was a tapestry of people’s lives as told through color, texture, and pictures of loved ones lost to the disease. We gathered at the displays, where you could feel the energy of those lost who were very much present through the story of each quilt panel. It was a labor of pure love and continues to be shared around the world. The AIDS Quilt
On these memories I reflect and pray for our humanity, that our many colors and textures bring security and warmth to our lives. Think about all the work that goes into creating a quilt by connecting multiple panels and materials which are often remnants from worn out clothes yet when sewn together by loving hands, this spectacular quilt is born!! That’s who we are as people, when we come together with our rich colors and experiences, we form this majestic bond that allows us to blend our ideas and make change for the best. Always remember that in our differences we find fascinating jewels of experiences. Don’t ever be afraid of learning about what is different than what we know. Life more glorious when we listen and learn and embrace our differences. When we stand in that place over fear, transformation will happen!!
Here is a wonderful children’s story called The Kindness Quilt. Take a break today and listen to the short story which is a really cool project for your family to do together while at home.
Be well, my friends.