Dear AdNet Employees, Clients and Friends;
The passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg left me breathless. Because of her tireless efforts in the 1970’s for women’s rights, she helped to pave the way for women to secure our own credit without a male co-signer through the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974. I can attest that though the law was in place, when I started my company in 1990, I experienced multiple incidents of discrimination from male bankers. Though I would walk out of the bank having listened to a demoralizing reason for not extending me credit, I said to myself, “I’ll show him.” And that I did!!
Justice Ginsburg, affectionately referred to as RBG, was a lifelong advocate for all marginalized groups with the gift of tactfully dissenting in court. I marveled at her grace and the way she could influence people to join her fight. RBG never communicated manipulatively but eloquently with clarity and facts.
We are in a time where we need a beacon to light the way through the darkness. That’s what a hero is for me…….a reminder to keep charging forward even on the days when I watch leaders let their ego’s get in the way of making the right choices. Instead of pulling the covers over my head, I think of my heroes who demonstrated unwavering courage so I could have a voice; such as Ruth Ginsburg, Amelia Earhart, Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou and yes, my mom.
Please enjoy this short and humble interview of our beloved Notorious RBG and allow yourself to be inspired to carry on her good work. Ruth Bader Ginsburg on becoming ‘Notorious’ - YouTube
Be well, my friends and keep your light bright.