Dear Employees, Clients, and Friends;
I am profoundly grateful for everyone on this list and the deep impact you have had on myself and AdNet. The act of writing the Tidbits of Joy has been a grounding activity for me through COVID. Typically, when I have completed my work for the day, my wife and I will share a meal and then I come back in my office to write. So here I am, and I thank you for reading each Tidbit that reflects what may be on my heart that particular day.
This Thanksgiving, though we won’t have all our kids and grandkids at the table, I know that this year’s sacrifice is so we will be together for the holidays next year. And that is a temporary sacrifice worth making. I miss my family beyond what words can say. The simplicity of this upcoming holiday is allowing me more space to focus on gratitude and joy because there’s less time spent on preparations. You know, I’m okay with that, for now, because the quiet time and voice/virtual connections has gifted me with relaxed heartfelt conversations with more people I love whereas I would fit in personal phone calls while driving between meetings or to and from work. There’s no rush now, no hustle and bustle………just being. And that’s a good thing.I am grateful for life, love, for good health that surrounds me, and that God lets me wake up each day to feel sunshine or rain on my face. Let’s take this holiday season to joyfully love wherever we can. It sure feels better to smile than to carry anything less than that and love keeps us healthy. My gift to you, this Thanksgiving, is another favorite song Shower The People.
May you and your loved ones have an abundance of gratitude in your heart and good health this Thanksgiving and every day.