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Tidbits of Joy #35 - Honoring Our Veterans


Dear AdNet Employees, Clients and Friends;

As we honor our Veteran’s today and throughout history, may we always be grateful for the bravery of each woman and man who has served to keep our world safe.

My father-in-law fought in the Korean War. During his last days of hospice care, I was sitting at his bedside. At one point his eyes opened wide and Pop raised his arm to his forehead in a perfect salute. It was an honor to witness such pride as he was preparing for his next tour of eternal duty. When we cleaned out Pop’s house, we found his Marine Corps uniform coats perfectly folded in a box and wondered what those coats saw during his years of service. Occasionally, we watch documentaries about the horrible conditions our troops endured; what was his journey? Pop didn’t say much and took his experiences with him.

On this sacred day, remember the sacrifice that Veteran’s made and continue to make for America. Help a Veteran in need and always be thankful for their courageous service that allows us to the privilege of freedom.

With gratitude, Betsy Cerulo CEO

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