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Tidbits of Joy #37 - Happy Holiday Season


Dear AdNet Employees, Customer and Friends;

Here we are already with the 2021 Holiday Season in full swing with Hannukah’s celebration of light for eight glorious days, Christmas’s sacred time to honor the birth of Jesus Christ, Kwanzaa to honor the African American culture and Boxing Day to give to the poor.

In reflecting on this season, we all experience the pace of following our respective holiday traditions which certainly taps into memories from childhood. Oh, the food….and more food….and then more food!! Remember the decorated Maxwell House coffee tins decorated with Christmas paper and filled with cookies that friends would exchange? I didn’t appreciate that as a kid and now I savor those gifts. There were loads of decorations my mom put up with love no matter how tired she may have been. The few times I would ever see her take a nap was Christmas Eve to have more energy for midnight mass. I recall her laying on her bed with cucumbers on her eyes and as a kid thought that was a little strange. Who knew that cucumbers would find their way to my eyes as I got older!! Oh, how I have become my mom (some days that’s a good thing and others, questionable 😊).

So, the evolution of cucumbers in our household is now the Christmas Pickle. Every year, even last year when we were not all together, the pickle was hidden away in the Christmas tree. Our granddaughters go right to the tree upon arrival because whoever finds it, gets a little treat. The granddaughter who didn’t find it first gets a treat too but it’s a silly gag gift. Then we have the after-dinner game of passing around the table a package that is wrapped in layers of paper and tape. It gets passed around the table with a timer going so each person gets a chance to rip it open and whomever gets it open is the winner. Sounds easy, right? Well, not if you are wearing baking mitts on both hands. Next year our grandson will be almost 4 and ready to search for the pickle and play “Pass the Present”. 😊

As our family is growing, we create our own traditions that have a splash of nostalgia from loved ones who are no longer with us physically. There was a time that I set a plate for my brother because we were always together on the holiday. Now, I feel him in our house especially near a candy dish or plate of cookies. His spirit is a gift. As we celebrate this year, be mindful that the holidays bring up a myriad of feelings for people so, take the time to pay attention to others around us. Offer an extra hug, look deeply into a stranger’s eyes, and say hello or hold the door open……Give the gift of love and consideration because those are the memories that last far longer than a present.

We, at AdNet, are so deeply grateful for the patience from our employees as we rolled out COVID policies and had some hard conversations. Yet, the greatest gift is that we all listened to each other and found ways to navigate the unchartered waters respectfully together. We thank our customers for allowing us to support your missions and stay together amidst the evolving world.

This holiday season, we send everyone an abundance of love and peace. May you have good health and joy every day. Happy New Year!

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