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Tidbits of Joy #40 - Celebrating Black History and Each Other


Dear AdNet Employees, Customers and Friends;

It is so fitting that the celebration of Black History Month and Valentine’s Day fall in the same month. All month we celebrate and honor important history of our Black and Brown sisters and brothers. I am inspired by the stories of entrepreneurship and the courageous paths forged for future generations. Today, Valentine’s Day is a reminder that we all are loved and while card companies and florists are busy on this day, every one of us deserves this day as acknowledgement that we are special, honored and loved.

February was chosen as Black History month to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln, our US president who issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, and Frederick Douglas, an African American social reformer, writer and abolitionist. The celebration started in the US in 1926 and was officially recognized in 1976. Gift yourself with time to learn more about our important Black history. Valentine’s Day has a long history with several iterations dating back to AD 269. The day became associated with romantic love. I recall in grammar school my mom would buy me a small box of individual Valentine cards. I would write my message on the small card for each of my classmates and teachers. At recess we were allowed to exchange cards and get to take home a little pile of cards to read along with candy from our teachers. My mom continued to send me Valentine’s cards with “a little something” tucked in until she was 90. I cherish those cards and keep them tucked away in a box.

May this month bring you much pride and celebration. May we all take the time to honor oneself and each other.

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