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Tidbits of Joy #59 - Heart-Centered Workplace


Dear AdNet Employees, Clients and Friends;

After long last, I finally released my podcast Room At The Table in an effort to continue to be part of thought leadership conversations and bring to you content that supports healthy work cultures. To always ensure there is room at the table, keep making the table larger and larger for everyone to pull up a chair. 😊 This is a limited series podcast of 8 episodes (sounds like Netflix 😊), touching on topics we encounter in life that we bring to our work or take home as a result of our work. We will run from May through December.

Our first episode is with our Director of Human Resource, Sandra Brown who is an important part of fostering our heart centered workplace. It is a constant work in progress since a workplace is made up of humans who are constantly evolving and sometimes misbehaving. 😊 We shift with whatever is presented to us and explore the continuous wheel of expansion of oneself and especially of one’s greatness. There are some days when I feel like a rockstar with how the day turned out and there are some days when I sit at my desk knowing I don’t have a lot to give. That’s when I reflect on gratitude and goodness and realize that as long as I put one foot in front of the other, listen to my team, and do the right thing, my day will turn out well. My star may not shine as bright as the day before, yet when I lead with my heart always paying close attention to my intuition, the day is just as it needs to be.

Please listen and find a gold coin in our words that you can bring back to your workplace. You can subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Google, iHeart Radio, Spotify and other major podcast portals.

Thanks for your ongoing encouragement and for your huge hearts!! I wish for you and everyone who carries maternal energy, a Happy Mother’s Day.

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