Dear AdNet Employees, Clients, and Friends:
It almost seems impossible to believe that it is already the time of year again that AdNet hosts its annual scholarship fund. As many of you know, my brother Tommy passed away in 2011. He was so dedicated to his community and always wanted to help others, often putting his own needs at the bottom of the list. To keep his memory alive, I started a scholarship fund in his name many years ago and it warms my heart each year to do this in his honor.
Tommy was a member of the Roman Catholic order of Trinitarian Priests, and affectionately known as Fr. Tom to everyone. He was the real deal clergy walking his talk and always in the trenches with his sleeves rolled up to work. He was never “too important” to help out and you could often find him alongside the rest of his team scrubbing the floors of the church. One time, I drove up to his monastery to find him on the roof sandblasting a statue to clean it up. That was Tommy, always busy and always cleaning. Our mom taught us well. 😊
One of the most cherished qualities of Tom, and there were many, was his acceptance and love for every person he encountered. For a Catholic priest, he made no judgments on anyone’s life choices. Everyone was invited to worship in his church, and everyone was welcomed in his heart. Many of the choices I make are influenced by wanting to emulate Tommy’s heart and make him proud. He regarded my wife, Susan, as his sister. If only there were more “Tommy’s” in the world, the world would be a more peaceful place.
In honor of Fr. Tom Cerulo, AdNet has dedicated an annual scholarship fund that awards undergraduate & graduate students from underserved groups to support their academic goals. The scholarship is designed to assist with the financial burden that comes with higher education - books, supplies, fees, and other expenses, etc.
AdNet is so excited to announce that the Fr. Tom Cerulo Scholarship Fund application is officially open for submissions for the year of 2024. Along with belonging to a diverse community, other eligibility requirements include a 3.0+ grade point average, a short essay detailing your academic goals, and the submission of your transcripts and resume. The deadline to submit your application is February 29, 2024, with the winners being announced in mid-March.
We would love it if you would forward this email to any student in Maryland who would value from the scholarship.
Please click here to submit your application. Good luck and we look forward to reading your submissions.