Dear AdNet Employees, Clients and Friends;
As we head into Memorial Day weekend, I have images of being at the beach, attending the Baltimore City Herb Festival and enjoying a perfectly grilled hot dog with all the fixings. Looks like I will get my fill of the perfect hot dog as we create a different Memorial Day weekend this year. I can see the finish line of the COVID marathon and eagerly want to cross it and get on with hugs, seeing my family, my AdNet family and my friends. But, when you are in marathon energy, you have to pace yourself.
I ran my first Half Marathon in 2014 at age 52. Why? My best friend, who was a marathon runner, challenged me because she knew I was aching to get back in shape. Sure, why not start with a half marathon!!
Family loss made it clear it was time to shed some bad habits and embrace new practices. I was ready with my “how to” book Run Walk Method by Jeff Galloway and started on a cold January morning one step at a time. I ran in rain and snow to train. The thought of transforming my endurance level by April 26th to run 13.2 miles was daunting but there was something on the other side of that finish line, for me, that was way bigger than a medal. From a leadership perspective, I could show myself that with no evidence of success, I could make a declaration and make it happen. I started with surrounding myself with the proper tools, such as my friend, who pushed me from New Jersey as I trained in Maryland and I followed a “slow and steady wins the race” model which is my preferred leadership style.
Race day came and my nerves and fear kept me from sleeping. Once I got to the starting line, I knew I would finish. The hardest part was getting there. Isn’t that always the case with change!! The gun went off and there I went with my friend at my side who cajoled and screamed me over the finish line. Open the attachment. I cried with joy in knowing that I completed something I didn’t think possible. I was so overcome with the experience that I registered to do it again the next year. Crazy, I know. But I finished it again.
Slow and steady always wins the race is my message here as we are in the last few miles of COVID-19. We all want to be out and about living life how we knew it yet we can still live our lives fully by being respectful of others. Maintaining social distancing is temporary and it’s a “random act of kindness”. Wearing a mask preserves our lives and those around us which is a priceless gift we give to each other. Words stay with us a long time and if we can’t hug, then choose words that make each other feel loved.
I wish you all a peaceful and happy Memorial Day weekend as we honor those who gave their lives for our freedom.