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Tidbits of Joy #88 - Kindness and Service


Dear AdNet Employees, Clients and Friends;


When we give and receive kindness, our overall well-being increases exponentially. We smile, we feel loved, we feel seen, and our body and mind feel happiness. Last month, I took time to read a book about Heart Health and the consistent theme is to surround oneself with love and kindness. When we get angry our cortisol levels increase which if this is a regular occurrence it impacts weight, increases blood pressure, anxiety and disrupts sleep. There are more negative outcomes that I could list, but this is enough to pay attention to how we show up in life. In the course of business, there will always be someone who “misbehaves” or finds reasons to complain because their own life is unsettled.  When we practice kindness, we can balance out the negative stuff that finds its way on our path. We think clearer and move past angst quickly when we don’t get caught up in another person’s reality.


I found a company that created the "Kindness Coin" and after reading more about their mission, I decided to order a bunch of coins with the intention of giving them away. One act of kindness can make a difference in a person’s life and at times may save a life.  At AdNet we decided for MLK Day, a day of service, we are sending out a piece of kindness to our employees. Our hope is that you join the “kindness challenge” and give away kindness freely to your loved ones and strangers. Follow the instructions on the coin to register it along with your act of kindness. Give the coin to the recipient of your kindness for them to register and pass along to someone else. Imagine if 5 people shared random acts of simple kindness to 5 more people who shared with 5 more people……………you get the picture. 😊 The kindness continues endlessly and what our world needs is as much kindness as possible.

This Martin Luther King Day, I ask that you take the time to listen or read one of his many inspiring speeches. Here is his I Have A Dream Speech.


Know that kindness and being in service are bottomless wells of joy that constantly replenish themselves with the more we give. This year, AdNet's mission is to have 2025 be the "Year of Kindness". I have faith in our humanity that we will continue to have dreams fulfilled as a result of kindness and inclusivity.


Share with me your acts of kindness as we are building a section on our website to list out how a small gesture can and will make a difference when we take the time to connect with another person. May this MLK Day and week empower you to live your dreams and make our world a better place one act of kindness at a time.


Be well, my friends.

Betsy Cerulo

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